ESG ESSENTIAL BUNDLE – ISF® Level 1: ESG Training Course (Delivered by Exponential Education Institute) + IASE Board Exam

Є700(~ USD1,635)

  • VIsa Mastercard Paygate


Registration Bundle – ISF® Level 1 Board Exam & associated ESG Preparatory Course (Passing is a requirement for obtaining the ISF ADVISOR® Designation)

Register for the following at the same time:

  • ISF® Level 1 Board Exam
  • Exam Preparatory Course for ISF® Level 1

Additional information

Choose: Training Cohort

Cohort 1, 2024 (29 Jan – 11 Mar – Level 1), Cohort 2, 2024 (8 Apr – 20 May – Level 1), Cohort 3, 2024 (3 Jun – 15 Jul – Level 1), Cohort 4, 2024 (16 Sep – 28 Oct – Level 1)

Choose: Exam Session

Session 1, 2024 (18 – 19 Mar) – Level 1, Session 2, 2024 (27 – 28 May) – Level 1, Session 3, 2024 (22 – 23 Jul) – Level 1, Session 4, 2024 (4 – 5 Nov) – Level 1